Friday, April 11, 2008


Now that I have my blog about me, let's move on to more important things (;)). I vote J-sus. And the Bible. And G-d. What about them? No clue. This is the blog I'm going to really need some feedback for. Basically, if you have any suggestions, ideas, etc., leave a comment and I'll see what I can do:) Thanks!



leo509 said...

Some thoughts on what to say... These are merely suggestions. You're not obligated to discuss any of these topics. Hopefully, they will help you brainstorm. And of course, I'm always willing to discuss God and Scripture.

1. Jesus.

How is he present in your life? Or maybe you would like to do a study on Jesus's parables, or his teachings, or his passion, or his resurrection, or his birth, or his hard sayings. Maybe do some research into the historical Jesus. Are there reliable extra-biblical sources that discuss Jesus? What do they say about him?

2. God

Why do we call God, "God"? What do we mean by this name? Does faith in God depend upon proof? How do you talk about God to someone who is not a believer?

3. The Bible

Why study it? How does it help? Has it helped you in your life? How do we know that the Bible can be trusted? How do we make the Bible relevant for us today? Maybe consider reading the Bible from different perspectives. Suppose you were a Canaanite and you came across the passages that said to wipe out all the Canaanites. Or imagine yourself as an Egyptian. How does the Exodus story make you feel?

Anna said...

WOW that is REALLY helpful, Ari. Thanks!! Those points may seem obvious to some, but I tend to miss the obvious<_< Lol. Well, I DID have to write about a page on why studying the Bible is important for a leadership training camp.... It looks like a literary anaylsis with the verse, then comment, etc. but...they expected me to cram it all into one page! What's to be expect from me? ;) If anyone's interesting in that, I could post it. If y'all want more than a page then give me some time and I'll try to elaborate? I need feeback! =D hehe.

leo509 said...

Definitely interested in reading your page "on why studying the Bible is important for a leadership training camp."

And if you'd like to expand it to more than a page, that'd be great as well :)