Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Simple Prayer of Thanks to God

What words could express
How thankful I am;
How much I love You?
How many heartbeats would it take
To equal the times You’ve helped me through the trials and temptations of this life?
What colors could show You
The varied emotions that define how I feel towards You?
What art form could I pursue to bring You glory?
How bright could I shine to reflect the praise You are so much more than worthy to receive?
How loud would my voice rise to bring you worship?
How carefully would my body move to dance to the rhythm of Your love?
What heights could my soul reach to touch Your face?
How many children would I care for to serve You enough?
How many people would I love?
How many weak would I serve?
How many hurt would I mend?
How many broken would I help?
How many weary would I offer rest?
How many souls would I witness to?
How many burdens would I carry?
How many days would I live before I could scratch the surface of ways to thank you enough for being You?


leo509 said...

That's an awesome prayer. From your mouth, to God's ear. :)

Anna said...

Praise the Lord! He is so unfathomable, and I love it! =D

Ben (discipleofElyon) said...

Ditto on what Leo said. That is awesome! :)