Saturday, March 1, 2008

G-d Is Good.

My Sunday school teacher showed my youth group a picture of this cute 5 or 6 year old kid. He had glasses, and a little bit of a buzzcut, and he was sightly on the pudgy side. He had a smile that was so full of joy and happiness it made me giggle. He was precious.
My Sunday school teacher made sure we had all had a good look at the picture, walking around the room, row by row. He didn't look really upset or mad...or happy as he walked around, showing the little boy to everyone. He asked, "Did you all get a good look at the picture?" Someone hadn't, so he walked closer and held it out. My Sunday school teacher returned to his little podium, glanced at the picture once more, and held it up again. His face was red now, and his mouth puckered. "I helped his mommy and daddy bury him yesterday," he shared with us.
The room was so loud in the silence. Everyone's thoughts thickened the air.
My Sunday school teacher showed us about how tall the kid was--only about as tall as a toddler. Apparently, the child had been REALLY sick. Ever since he was born. He had tubes and bottles and bottles of medication to take daily, maybe more frequently than that.
But nothing slowed this kid down. According to my Sunday school teacher, the kid would lead his own church, this little 5 or 6 year old boy, in music. At his short height, he would stand in front of the microphone and lead his church in song. His favorite, of which, was something about not feeling at home, until he was at HOME.
It was beautiful.
My Sunday school teacher said he never complained. Not once.
This little boy accomplished so much more for J-sus in his 5 or 6 years, than most do in a lifetime.
Time is short. Life is good. No, I'm not joking. Life may be hard sometimes, but G-d is good. Life is good.
Really, after hearing this story, I felt so guilty of my daily complaints about every little thing. I am one whiney human. But this kid...well, is story is motivating me, to say the least.
Make the most of your time here on earth, for soon it will pass away.
G-d is good.